Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1936, The Near East and Africa, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1936, The Near East and Africa, Volume III
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
- John G. Reid
- Francis C. Prescott
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Afghanistan: (Documents 1–5)
- Egypt: (Documents 6–40)
- Discussions between the United States and Egypt regarding trade agreements
program (Documents 6–9)
- Insistence by the United States on its right to nominate judges for
appointment to the Mixed Courts in Egypt (Documents 10–25)
- Inquiry with respect to the safeguarding of religious liberties in
Egypt (Documents 26–31)
- Preliminary negotiations in regard to convening a conference for the
abolition of the capitulations in Egypt (Documents 32–40)
- Discussions between the United States and Egypt regarding trade agreements
program (Documents 6–9)
- Ethiopia: (Documents 41–422)
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict: (Documents 41–422)
- I. General background (Documents 41–91)
- II. Efforts of the League of Nations and of France and the United
Kingdom to end hostilities, January–May 9, 1936 (Documents 92–135)
- III. Annexation of Ethiopia by Italy, May 9, 1936; reaction of the
League of Nations and of France and the United Kingdom (Documents 136–185)
- IV. United States neutrality; extension of neutrality legislation;
revocation of the neutrality proclamations; unfavorable attitude of the
United States toward proposed visit of the Emperor of Ethiopia to the
United States (Documents 186–222)
- V. Attitude of the United States toward recognition of Italian
annexation of Ethiopia (Documents 223–266)
- VI. Protection of the Legation staff in Addis Ababa, and of American
missionaries in Ethiopia (Documents 267–330)
- VII. Relations between the American Minister Resident in Ethiopia and
the Italian military commanders (Documents 331–379)
- VIII. Restriction by the Italians upon trade and commerce in
Ethiopia (Documents 380–386)
- IX. Repressive measures by the Italian authorities against foreign
missionary activities in Ethiopia (Documents 387–400)
- X. Consideration by the United States Government of withdrawing its
representatives from Ethiopia (Documents 401–422)
- I. General background (Documents 41–91)
- Ethiopian-Italian conflict: (Documents 41–422)
- Iran: (Documents 423–488)
- Expression of regret by the United States for arrest of the Iranian
Minister; withdrawal of Iranian representatives from the United States in
protest against articles appearing in the American press (Documents 423–462)
- Inquiries by the United States regarding the nondelivery of second class
mail from the United States in Iran (Documents 463–474)
- Attitude of the Department of State toward the closing of the Lutheran
mission at Mehabad (Saujbulak) by the Iranian Government (Documents 475–480)
- Proposed extradition treaty between the United States and Iran (Documents 481–485)
- Representations by the United States regarding discrimination against
American trade resulting from the German-Iranian convention for the
regulation of payments of October 30, 1935 (Documents 486–488)
- Expression of regret by the United States for arrest of the Iranian
Minister; withdrawal of Iranian representatives from the United States in
protest against articles appearing in the American press (Documents 423–462)
- Iraq: (Documents 489–493)
- Liberia: (Documents 494–500)
- Morocco: (Documents 501–510)
- Objection of the United States to proposed modification of the customs
regime in the French Zone of Morocco (Documents 501–506)
- Representations by the United States against discriminatory passport
regulations in the Spanish Zone of Morocco (Document 507)
- Negotiations concerning claims and proposed recognition by the United
States of the Spanish Zone in Morocco (Documents 508–510)
- Objection of the United States to proposed modification of the customs
regime in the French Zone of Morocco (Documents 501–506)
- Palestine: (Documents 511–534)
- Syria and the Lebanon: (Documents 535–563)
- Representations by the United States against French unilateral withdrawal
of customs privileges assured to American educational and philanthropic
institutions in the Levant States under French Mandate (Documents 535–548)
- Inquiry by the United States regarding the inclusion of the subject of
archaeological activities in Syria in the Franco-Syrian treaty
negotiations (Documents 549–552)
- Modification of certain discriminatory legislation by the Lebanese
Government in response to representations by the United States (Documents 553–558)
- Insistence by the United States on being consulted regarding the possible
termination of the mandatory regime in Syria and the Lebanon (Documents 559–563)
- Representations by the United States against French unilateral withdrawal
of customs privileges assured to American educational and philanthropic
institutions in the Levant States under French Mandate (Documents 535–548)
- Turkey: (Documents 564–586)
- Conference at Montreux for revision of the regime of the Straits, June
22–July 20, 1936. Assurance by Turkey of American participation in benefits
of the convention signed July 20, 1936 (Documents 564–586)
- Liquidation of United States claims against the Government of Turkey for disbursements made while representing Turkish interests, 1914–1917
- Conference at Montreux for revision of the regime of the Straits, June
22–July 20, 1936. Assurance by Turkey of American participation in benefits
of the convention signed July 20, 1936 (Documents 564–586)
- Index