462.11L5232/563: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Mayer) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 9—9:45 a.m.]
139. Department’s 46, May 8, 4 p.m. I have just talked with Goering. He does not desire to tie up the subject of the sabotage claims [Page 263] too closely with the other broader subjects envisaged in our conversation of May 6, and stated that he intends in principle to settle these claims. He is instructing the German Agent to request that hearings on the sabotage cases be adjourned. Goering hopes that the American Agent will be helpful in this regard. He said that he would let me know later with regard to a German representative and the time and place for meeting with an American representative with respect to settlement negotiations.
Falling in immediately with the ideas contained in the Department’s telegram under reference Goering said that he considered an adjournment as mentioned above to be wise in order that the atmosphere might not be colored by a hearing on the sabotage claims at a time when he hoped the American Government would give the greatest consideration to the ideas expressed in our conversation of May 6.