647.116/152a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Sydney (Moffat)

Your June 4, 4:00 P.M.14 Unless you preceive objection, please address a formal communication to the Government of Australia in the following sense:

“The Government of the United States has been informed that the Customs Collector at Sydney is granting permits for importations from many countries while returning refused all applications relating to United States products not ordered before May 22, 1936 excepting those which cannot be procured in so-called approved countries.

“The Government of the United States has not been officially informed by the Government of Australia of the policy it proposes to pursue in administering the tariff measure which was tabled in the Australian Parliament on May 22, 1936. The United States Government would therefore be grateful if it could be informed by the Government of Australia whether the Customs Collector at Sydney is acting under instructions from the Minister of Customs and if so whether this action should be taken as an indication of the policy which the Australian Government proposes to pursue toward the commerce of the United States.”

We of course prefer to receive a written reply to the above communication, but if it appears that there will be delay or difficulty in securing the same an oral reply should be obtained. After full consideration the Department is inclined in the event that the Australian Government’s reply is unfavorable to suspend at once the application of the trade agreements rates to Australian products. This would be done in a routine manner and without further communication with the Australian Government. I should be very glad to have your views regarding this plan and any other comments or suggestions which may occur to you.

  1. Not found in Department files.