
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Dern)

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I am in receipt of your letter of January 22, 1936, in which you suggest that the Canal Zone be eliminated from the definition of the term “United States” contained in S. 3474, S. 3478, H. J. Res. 422 and H. R. 9482.

This Department has been interested only in S. 3474 and H. J. Res. 422, the Pittman and McReynolds bills, respectively. It is understood, however, that there is no likelihood that any of these bills will be given further consideration during the present session of Congress. H. J. Res. 491, extending until May 1, 1937, Section 1 of the Joint Resolution (Public Resolution No. 67, 74th Congress), approved August 31, 1935, and making certain other amendments, has recently been passed by Congress and is now awaiting approval by the President.15 This Resolution does not contain a definition of the term “United States” and would not seem to present any possible complication insofar as the Canal Zone is concerned. While Section 2 of the Resolution of 1935 contains, in paragraph (b), a definition of the term “United States” and includes in the definition the Canal Zone, I do not understand that you have any objections to the definition for the purposes of that Resolution. In any event that section is unaffected by Resolution 491.

Should steps later be taken to enact additional legislation on the subject of neutrality (it is not likely that any will be taken during the present session of Congress), the Department will be glad to bear in mind your observations with respect to the Canal Zone.

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Approved February 29, 1936; 49 Stat. 1152.