150.071 Control/209

The German Embassy to the Department of State


The German Embassy has the honor to submit the following to the Department of State.

In a note verbale of May 10, 1933,14 the receipt of which was acknowledged on May 26, 1933 (file number 150.071 Control/156),15 [Page 465] the Embassy called attention to the grave objections existing in Germany, from economic and other considerations, to S. 868 and H. R. 3842, bills then pending before the Congress. These bills did not become law before the adjournment of the 73rd Congress.

As the Embassy has learned, bills very similar to the former ones have again been introduced in both houses of Congress. These are bills S. 379 and H. R. 5380, concerning the deportation of foreign seamen.

The Embassy considers it its duty once more to express the grave objections to such legislation existing now as well as formerly, and to refer to its earlier written statements against such bills, as it is convinced that legislative measures such as those planned are bound to result in further severe restrictions and burdens on sea trade between nations and hence on world business as a whole.