811.114 Canada/5026
The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Gibbons) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of October 1, 1935,70 your file WE 811.114 Canada/5013, transmitting a copy of a despatch from the American Consul General at Ottawa embodying an excerpt from a communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Canadian Customs relative to the promulgation of a requirement that additional information be furnished by masters of certain vessels to indicate more specifically the disposition of alcohol or liquor transferred to other vessels.
The Assistant Commissioner of Canadian Customs asks whether the various data required of masters when arriving at Canadian ports, as outlined in a memorandum to supersede Circular N. 632–C and Memorandum No. 799 fully covers the suggestions made by you at the request of this Department in its letter of July 19, 1935,70 and whether assurance could be given that United States authorities would be willing to comply with corresponding requests for information that might be made on behalf of Canadian services.
This Department is of the opinion that the proposed memorandum prepared by the Canadian Commissioner of Customs covers the suggestions made by this Department in its letter of July 19, 1935.
I have to state that officers of this Department will be pleased to comply with requests of Canadian authorities for such information as may be available regarding similar matters.
By direction of the Secretary: