811.114 Guatemala/84
The Minister in Guatemala (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 5.]
Sir: Supplementing my telegram No. 27, of May 29, 1935,43a I have the honor to transmit herewith43a a copy and translation of a note dated May 29, from the Minister for Foreign Affairs wherein he transcribed the communication of May 27, from the Minister of Hacienda and Public Credit which stated that, pending a study of the method definitely to counteract the activities which have been taking place from Puerto Barrios as base of operations for the smuggling of alcohol into the United States, the competent customs officials at the port just mentioned had been instructed that after June 11, next, they may neither receive nor clear alcohol or alcholic beverages in international transit. The Minister also pointed out the amount of customs revenues from said traffic during 1934 and the first four months of the present calendar year.
While I have no definite information as to what final method may be devised by the local authorities to cooperate in the suppression of the smuggling operations which have been carried on from Puerto Barrios for some time past, it is not unlikely that they will adopt one of the procedures, or a modification thereof, suggested in the Department’s instruction No. 176, of April 5, the contents of which I brought to the attention of the Government of Guatemala.44
Respectfully yours,