713.1311/302: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:40 p.m.]
31. Skinner-Klee told me this afternoon that the delegates of Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras presented their observations concerning President Ubico’s draft treaty of Central American fraternity to the Conference this morning. He said that Costa Rica’s only objection is to the free trade provision while El Salvador suggested minor changes and proposed the inclusion of a provision for a kind of defensive alliance among the Central American countries. He did not consider any of the objections to be of great consequence. Nicaragua he said is ready to accept the treaty in full, and has therefore presented no observations.
The Conference agreed to consider the treaty article by article together with the observations referred to and Skinner-Klee predicted that the treaty will be signed within 2 weeks. He expects that the Conference will then proceed to consider President Ubico’s draft general treaty of peace and amity and that El Salvador and Costa Rica [Page 454] will present objections to the provision in article 7 concerning the recognition of revolutionary governments.
Repeated to Central American missions by air mail.