The Salvadoran Minister for Foreign Affairs (Araujo) to the Secretary of State
L. D. No. 1815
[Received November 10.]
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s kind communication dated the fifth of the current month52 relative to my previous note on the necessity of organizing a joint action of the countries of America, through the Diplomatic Representatives accredited to Washington in order that, in accord with the Pan American Union, they should propose to the Governments of Bolivia and Paraguay a minimum armistice of one year for the purpose of seeking, far from the hazards of war, a formula that would conciliate the interests in dispute, at the same time protecting the honor of the belligerent nations.
[Page 230]The conscience of the whole continent has expressed itself in favor of an effective peace, these sentiments having been clearly shown on various occasions. One of the historical attitudes of most importance was without any doubt the action taken through the Pan American Congress of Montevideo—referred to by Your Excellency—which achieved the concerting of a truce inspired by the same purpose which this chancellery has set forth, which truce, however, was unfortunately not long enough to produce an atmosphere of serenity favorable to the understanding which we anxiously desire.
I am informed by Your Excellency’s interesting note under reference of the broad spirit of cooperation which prevails in the spirit of your enlightened Government whenever there is a question of the promotion of peace on this continent, and subject to the understanding that the participation of the United States may—as I hope—be agreeable to the nations interested, your country reserving its decision with a view to the probabilities of success which the negotiations may promise.
In expressing to Your Excellency the most profound gratitude for the generous demonstration of solidarity which your reply signifies in relation to the desires of a perpetual peace in the Chaco, I have the great honor to repeat to Your Excellency the assurance of my greatest esteem and consideration and to subscribe myself your faithful and obedient servant.