724.3415/4143: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Gibson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:25 p.m.]
228. 1. I have just seen a telegram addressed by Lamas to Cantilo repeated to Argentine Ambassador here. Cantilo is instructed in his next statement to make it clear that he speaks solely on behalf of Argentina as a member of the League and in no way on behalf of Brazil and the United States.
2. Bolivian Minister has today submitted to Foreign Office here the text of a telegram sent to the Bolivian delegate in Geneva when the question of postponement first arose, directing him to act in concert with his Argentine colleague with a view to securing postponement. The Minister states that the Bolivian delegate made an effort in this sense but was dissuaded from action by his Argentine colleague. (Foreign Office is disposed to question entire accuracy of this).
3. Brazilian Minister in La Paz describes present state of mind of Bolivian Government as one of some bewilderment. He says they have shown him “documentary evidence” to indicate that Lamas has taken different lines in Washington, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires; that Washington was given to understand Cantilo had exceeded his instructions and would be reprimanded; in Rio he said Bolivia had not supported the move for League postponement whereas the fact is Bolivia took the initiative but desisted because of Argentine resistance; in Buenos Aires he had taken a different line.
4. The Bolivian Government now feels that the various maneuvers of Lamas are aimed at isolating Bolivia and leave her in Geneva in an untenable position.
5. Foreign Office is inclined to discount foregoing as it feels that Bolivia had no need to accept Argentine versions on her demand for [Page 214] postponement. It is felt that Bolivia has endeavored to use pressure of time element in the hope of maneuvering Brazil and the United States into accepting membership on the League Committee. Bolivian Minister again this afternoon appealed to the Foreign Office that Brazil and the United States should accept membership and was told in clear terms that Brazil had already given a definite answer that she would accept no place on the Committee.
6. Some bewilderment has been expressed at Bolivia’s taking a line in Geneva which might result in her being isolated but Foreign Office here feels that she has taken this risk knowingly in her anxiety to avoid going to a conference at Buenos Aires.
7. Brazilian Ambassador in Buenos Aires states Lamas has given to the press his plan and formula. He explained to the Ambassador he had done so because of pressure exerted on him by the press.
8. I was told confidentially this afternoon that Foreign Office is convinced Bolivia in an effort to win Brazilian support is resorting to methods which may make for bad feeling between Brazil and Argentina, that being forewarned they are making a special effort to avoid anything which might give Lamas ground for offence or suspicion.