724.3415/4059a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell)
101. In the course of a conversation at the Department yesterday, the Bolivian Minister stated that his Government was as yet hesitant as to acceptance of the conciliation formula without reservations because of its belief that Article 7 was so vaguely worded as not to impose the obligation on the part of Paraguay to submit the dispute to the arbitration of the Permanent Court in the event that conciliation endeavors prove unsuccessful, and furthermore, because the said article made no provision for determining the scope of arbitration. The Minister was asked whether in his opinion, were Paraguay formally to ratify the interpretation given Article 7 by Dr. Saavedra Lamas,24 the assurance so provided would be sufficient to allay the fears of his Government. Dr. Finot expressed the belief that ratification of this interpretation by Paraguay would be satisfactory to Bolivia and he was requested specifically to confirm his personal understanding of his Government’s view which he promised immediately to do by cable.
In discussing the question of conciliation, the Minister asked whether Argentina refused to sound out the viewpoint of Paraguay with regard to the sine qua non specified by Bolivia. The Minister was informed that in the opinion of the Department Paraguay would feel herself unwilling to make any formal commitment on this point prior to the conciliation conversations, but that this Government saw no reason why the matter might not be brought confidentially to the attention of Paraguay, and the Bolivian Government thereafter be confidentially advised whether this point would prove an insuperable objection in the conciliation negotiations. For your strictly confidential information, the Department’s statement on this latter point was made in view of the conversation between the American Minister at Asunción and President Ayala held on August 17 of which you have been advised by the former.
Please discuss the substance of the above with Dr. Saavedra Lamas at the earliest opportunity and advise him that it is the impression of this Government that Bolivia will accept the conciliation formula without reservation, provided Article 7 of the formula is interpreted by Paraguay in the manner set forth by Dr. Saavedra Lamas, and provided Bolivia is given confidentially to understand that the sounding out by Argentina of Paraguay on the question of the sine qua non has not been productive of completely unsatisfactory results.
[Page 188]The decision of the Bolivian Government will be reached only after President Salamanca returns to La Paz and the intended reply of Bolivia will be first made known to Brazil and to the United States before formal transmission to the Argentine Foreign Office. Favorable and early action on the two points above mentioned may, it is hoped, bring forth an equally favorable decision on the part of Bolivia.