The Peruviam Ambassador (Freyre) to the Secretary of State
Your Excellency: My Government inform me that the Presidents of Peru and Colombia have agreed to promote a conference for the purpose of initiating direct negotiations between Bolivia and Paraguay and co-operating in the friendly settlement of the Chaco question. The conference would be attended by Delegates from Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, United States, Mexico and the belligerent nations. The Bolivian Government have accepted this form of mediation; but the Government of Paraguay, intent mainly upon realizing an immediate demobilization and upon obtaining guarantees that would prevent a new attack on their forces, have replied to the President of Peru that the League of Nations’ mediation is still pending, but will practically terminate at the beginning of July, when the Council approves the report from the Special Committee.
My Government would greatly appreciate were the Government of the United States to support the proposed project of a conference, for they feel sure that an important step would thus be taken in bringing to a close the deplorable Chaco conflict.
I have [etc.]