894.6363/137: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)
Washington, November 30, 1934—5
419. Your 603, November 27, 7 p.m.
- 1.
- Department is considering your telegram under reference and will reply later. Please inform Dooman.
- 2.
- Please inform Foreign Office that Department on November 28 requested Grew to hand to Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs a firmly worded aide-mémoire prepared by the Department in regard to the proposed oil monopoly in Manchuria. Department also requested Grew to emphasize orally, when presenting the aide-mémoire, the seriousness with which the American Government views the subject under discussion; and to state the American Government’s emphatic denial that the oil situation either in Manchuria or Japan is in any way linked with our efforts or our procedure at the London naval conversations.
- 3.
- With regard to the oil situation in Japan you may inform Foreign Office to the effect that Department has indicated to representative of Standard-Vacuum Company and to Grew that if compliance with the Japanese suggestion for the submission by the concerned oil companies of provisional import plans meets with the approval of the oil companies and the American and British Embassies in Tokyo, Department would perceive no objection thereto.