893.6363 Manchuria/57: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

236. 1. In reply to inquiries of the foreign correspondents in regard to the proposed oil monopoly in Manchuria at the Foreign Office press conference today Amau47 is reliably reported to have made approximately the following statements:

“Manchukuo” is an independent country and representations should be made to Hsinking.
If foreign countries claim that Manchuria is still a part of China, they should protest to Nanking.
Japan does not consider that Nine-Power Treaty applies to “Manchukuo”.
Declarations made by Japan or “Manchukuo” in regard to the maintenance of the open door were unilateral declarations, which do not have the binding force of treaties and which can be withdrawn.
The principle of the open door means only that all foreign nations trading in China shall have equal rights and does not apply where there is no discrimination as among foreign nations. (When a foreign correspondent asked how Japan was considered in this connection, no clear-cut reply was forthcoming).

2. A press ban has been placed in Japan upon publication of news concerning the oil monopoly in Manchuria. It appears probable that this step was taken to counteract the effect in Japan of a publicity campaign abroad. The afternoon Japanese newspapers, however, have published news despatches from Washington and London to the effect that diplomatic representations have been made on the subject of the open door and the Japanese petroleum industry but they avoid referring directly to the Manchurian oil monopoly.

Repeated to Peiping.

  1. Eiji Amau, Japanese Foreign Office spokesman.