693.113 (Manchuria) Petroleum/33: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

106. Department’s 400, December 22, noon,79 and subsequent despatches from Consul General at Mukden regarding “Manchukuo” customs policy.

Local recourse would appear to have been exhausted for the time being. Companies have unsuccessfully endeavored to pass trial shipments of oil similar to Japanese. They now feel that the present Japanese army [burning] test must be eliminated before discrimination can be removed and suggest that efforts be made to obtain adoption of Japanese tariff classification as soon as practicable and that pending such revision of the tariff, mineral oil of over 30 degrees Baumé (excluding products obviously classifiable as lubricating oil) [Page 700] be classified under tariff item 495—the item under which kerosene is classified.
Consul General at Mukden suggests and the Legation concurs that representations at Tokyo may possibly accomplish something. The Legation therefore suggests that the Ambassador be authorized in his discretion to make appropriate representations in Tokyo.
British Legation is suggesting similar action to the British Minister who is at present in Nanking.