
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck)

The Japanese Ambassador called by appointment. He gave me substantially the same information that he had given Mr. Hamilton, in an earlier call, with regard to the question of visits to the Mandated [Page 684] Islands and the negotiation of a consular convention. With regard to the Mandated Islands, however, he made his statement in much broader terms than he had done in conversation with Mr. Hamilton. He said that he had talked the matter over with naval authorities in Japan and that they would have no objection to “visits”. I asked whether by that he meant visits of naval vessels. He replied that he did. I asked whether he meant that naval vessels would be permitted freely to visit, cruise among the Islands and enter all ports. He replied that it was his understanding that if permission was requested for such visits permission would be given.

S[tanley] K. H[ornbeck]