493.11/1859: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:45 p.m.]
186. Department’s 119, April 19, 6 p.m. Although there is an appearance of sincerity in this request of the Chinese Government for a list of the claims—a list which they would have us believe is for the purpose of arranging liquidation of claims of unquestioned validity—the Legation cannot convince itself that this move is other than an additional subterfuge to avoid entering into engagements which that Government is confident will be used as a precedent by other powers who could not be counted on to accept the impartial adjudication contemplated by the American Government’s proposal.
However, as the request to be supplied with a list of claims has now been coupled with an indication of intention to liquidate those of unquestioned validity, the Legation is disposed to supply the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a selected list of claims which it believes to be of unquestionable validity stating to the Ministry that it is such and stated [stating?] future lists will be supplied as prepared. Preparation of further lists could then be delayed until it was seen what action if any the Chinese Government was disposed to take towards receipt of requests.
Peck has been instructed as directed by the Department’s 119, April 19, 6 p.m.