893.00/12840: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3 p.m.]
472. Legation’s 463, October 12, 9 a.m.70 Following from Yunnanfu:
“October 15, 4 p.m. Referring to Canton’s telegraphic report of China Inland Mission concentration at Anshun and Tushan, evacuation appears imminent.
In view of the probable danger to American lives and property if evacuation of missionaries becomes necessary Vice Consul Smith, on leave status, has remained Yunnanfu awaiting developments or possible orders from the Legation.
During Smith’s Kweichow visit missionaries intimated that in case of evacuation presence of a consular officer would be required to secure adequate protection and necessary Government aid in arranging for transportation as well as the use of the Army wireless apparatus which may be the only means of communication by consuls, and to secure cooperation between scattered groups of missionaries. Smith believes there is a great danger of Kweichow chairman’s army turning communist if faced by strong force. After interviews with the Kweichow leaders Smith agrees with the missionaries and believes there is great difficulty for even a consular officer to obtain real assistance from leaders in an emergency although he thinks that local authorities may assist more effectively in the presence of a consular officer who might also prevent friction between missionary groups.
[Page 476]British Consul General [at] Yunnanfu informs me neither he nor his noncareer assistant are in a position to go to Kweichow.
In an interview this afternoon Chairman Lung Yun stated that in his opinion American citizens are unsafe in Kweichow and should be advised to evacuate during the unsettled situation. He considered motor road to Kwangsi dangerous for foreigners and recommended evacuation through southwest Kweichow and Yunnan, assuring me that he is prepared to take steps to ensure safety of Americans evacuating in Yu Kuo-tsai’s territory71 and Yunnan. If it becomes necessary that a consular officer go to Kweichow to assist evacuation Smith could reach Kweiyang in 7 days by double staging. In view of these circumstances it may be desirable that the request in my telegram of October 15, 11 a.m. be disregarded. Repeated to Canton.”
The Legation instructed as follows:
“October 17, 2 p.m. Your October 15, 4 p.m. The Legation perceives no reason why Smith should proceed to Kweiyang. It is of the opinion that if the menace to the safety of Americans in Kweichow is as serious as reported in your report then they should evacuate the Province immediately and should not delay their withdrawal to await the arrival of a consular officer whose assistance admittedly would be of but limited value.
Repeated to Canton and Department.
Reference penultimate sentence of your telegram the Legation believes that you should plan to await arrival of your successor.”
Also following telegram has been sent to Counselor of Legation at Nanking:
“October 17, 2 p.m. Please address a formal note to the Minister for Foreign Affairs expressing the Legation’s concern because of reports to the effect that the safety of Americans residing in Kweichow Province is being menaced by the activities of communist forces and express the hope that adequate measures will be taken to protect the lives of such Americans and to facilitate their withdrawal from threatened areas should such action become necessary.”