033.1100 Rogers, James H./33: Telegram
The Consul General at Hankow (Adams) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 2—8 p.m.]
Following for Morgenthau from Rogers. Chiang Kai-shek16 undertaking big program agricultural rehabilitation. He stated to me Monday17 that higher silver at this time by further reducing agricultural prices would greatly retard this program. The tendency of certain Government officials to favor Dies bill18 apparently based purely on resulting profit from further use of cotton and wheat loan. Because of illness Finance Minister Kung I have been unable to discuss this with him. [Rogers.]
- Chairman of Chinese Military Council and Commander in Chief of Army, Navy, and Air Forces.↩
- April 30.↩
- Congressman Martin Dies, of Texas, introduced a bill (H. R. 7581) under which the Treasury Department would accept silver in payment for exported farm surpluses; the House of Representatives passed it March 19.↩