893.71 Manchuria/72
The Secretary of the American Delegation at Geneva (Reber) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 24.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Note of July 19, 193469 addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations containing the reply of the American Government to the League circular letter No. 92 of June 4, 1934,70 transmitting a circular of the Advisory Committee on the Far Eastern situation relating to the question of postal traffic in transit through Manchuria.
The Acting Chief of the Political Section of the League informs me that the Secretariat hopes to publish a digest of the replies received to this circular in time to be circulated during the forthcoming session of the Assembly next month. It appears that the circular letter was addressed to States Members of the League not represented on the Advisory Committee and to the United States of America and the U. S. S. R. with the request that the Secretary General be informed whether these governments are prepared to comply with the recommendations embodied in the Report of the Advisory Committee. States Members of the League represented on the Committee received a copy of the Advisory Committee’s Report under cover of a memorandum which did not call for a reply unless the particular government [Page 244] did not accept the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. In the report which is to be published a description will be given of the two types of letters addressed to the governments with the explanation that governments represented on the Committee were not asked to reply unless they disagreed with the recommendations. Up to the present time no dissenting reports have been received from any of the governments. Those States which have replied, including Russia, have stated that they are prepared to conform to the recommendations of the Advisory Committee.
The Secretariat requests permission to include in its summary the reply of the American Government and would appreciate it if a telegraphic reply could be sent to this despatch in order that the summary may be published early in September.
Respectfully yours,