793.94/6630: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)
176. 1. Department desires that you make a careful study and analysis of the British Government’s attitude and action in regard to the Japanese statements relating to China policy from April 17 [Page 154] to April 30, inclusive. It is believed that you have all the information which is available here with the possible exception of the fact that on April 26 the British Ambassador here read to the Under Secretary the instructions which had been sent by the British Government to the British Ambassador in Tokyo.
2. Department desires also that you report as soon as practicable in regard to the reaction in Great Britain to the British Government’s attitude and policy.
3. The Department desires further that you endeavor discreetly but persistently to ascertain what the Foreign Minister had in mind in his reference to Japan’s “special rights recognized by other powers and not shared by them”. (See your 213, April 30, 5 p.m.).