711.4215 Air Pollution/567
The Under Secretary of State (Phillips) to the Canadian Prime Minister (Bennett)
My Dear Mr. Prime Minister: I have received, through your Legation here, your letter of November 17, in regard to the Trail Smelter problem which we discussed during my recent visit to Ottawa.
Although there are several statements in your letter in which I cannot concur, I am sure you will agree that an extended discussion at [Page 963] this time of the issues raised in your communication will serve no useful purpose.
I know that you share fully our earnest desire to reach a prompt and fair settlement of this problem. The question is of vital importance to the communities which are directly concerned and is being emphasized, because of the continued delays in its solution, in such a way as to affect the general field of relations between our two countries. As I told you when I was in Ottawa, the President is keenly desirous of having an agreement reached in this matter before the opening of Congress. He feels that otherwise matters of greater importance to the two countries may be affected. I, therefore, hope that you will send your representative to Washington at the earliest possible moment with a draft agreement which will serve as a basis for discussion for an early and definitive settlement of this case.
In accordance with your request, I shall gladly place your letter before the President.
With kindest personal regards, I am [etc.]