500.A15A4 General Committee/911: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the American Delegate (Wilson)
414. Among the questions which must be decided by the General Commission is the action to be taken on the matters which it referred to its Committee for the Regulation of the Trade in and the Private and State Manufacture of Arms and Implements of War. I am hopeful that some definite action may be taken as a result of the deliberations of that Committee.
Please telegraph fully:
- (a)
- A summary of any developments which may have occurred in this connection since Annex No. IV of Document Bureau 55;34
- (b)
- The summary of a program on which, in your opinion, it may be possible to obtain substantial agreement at this time;
- (c)
- Your recommendations as to the position which the American Delegation should adopt with reference to this question.
Please repeat your telegram to Davis in Paris with a view to possible strengthening of the pertinent sections of his speech.
- Entitled: “Report to the President of the Conference on the Progress of the Work Regarding the Regulation of the Private and State Manufacture of and the International Trade in Arms”, Conference Documents, vol. iii, p. 881.↩