800.51W89 Rumania/201
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)
The Rumanian Minister71 said that he had noticed in the publicity given out following the Attorney General’s decision72 with respect to “token” payments that Rumania was not included among those countries which had made “token” payments. He pointed out that his government had in fact made a payment on account during the last year and that he was even now discussing with his government the payment due on the Hoover Moratorium;73 that his government had offered a payment of $4,000 which he regarded as too little and which he was seeking to raise to $8,000. It was merely a question, he said, of reaching a decision in this respect, and he asked, therefore, that in any debt message which the President might have in mind sending to Congress Rumania would not be classed among those who were actually in default at the present moment.
[Page 592]I said that I would look into the subject and see if anything could be done.