710.G Women’s Rights/8: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation (Hull)

77. A delegation representing the National Association of Women Lawyers called at the White House yesterday and left a memorial and then called in person on me this afternoon. They stated they were interested in the Equal Rights Nationality Treaty and requested that the American Delegation should not raise obstacles to it. In reply I explained that the matter was entirely in your hands and that I should merely report to you the fact of their representations.

I have also received a long telegram37 from Mrs. Virginia Jenckes, member of Congress, on the same subject, which follows closely the representations of the above delegation.

On the other hand, the National League of Women Voters, through its President, has written me under today’s date a letter37 recording again its opposition to the Treaty as a method of securing independent nationality.

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  2. Not printed.