711.0012 Anti-War/1404: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation (Hull)
49. There has just been received a letter addressed to you by Mr. Frank B. Kellogg, Judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice, from The Hague, suggesting that either at the conference or later you might have an opportunity to “bring to the attention of Argentina and Brazil the importance of their adhering and ratification of the Pact of Paris”.3 He also suggests that you might use your [Page 163] influence to obtain the adhesion of the other American States who have not ratified the Pact. These States are Bolivia, Salvador and Uruguay. A copy of the letter goes forward by air mail today.4
In his communication Mr. Kellogg states that the reason Argentina and Brazil did not sign the Pact of Paris was not “because they disagreed with the principle of the treaty, but for other reasons. Irigoyen was then president of Argentina and his policy was to make no treaties and to have no relations with any other countries.” He states further: “The excuse Brazil gave was that she already had in her constitution the same principle as expressed in the Pact of Paris. As a matter of fact, I am sure the reason Brazil did not sign was that she was piqued because I did not invite her to sign the original treaty”, but “had I invited Brazil, of course, I would have been compelled to invite all the South and Central American States and they would have had innumerable suggestions to make as to the form of the treaty.”
- Treaty for the Renunciation of War, signed at Paris, August 27, 1928, Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. i, p. 153.↩
- Not printed.↩