
The Chargé in Colombia (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

No. 5685

Sir: Referring to the Legation’s despatch No. 5683 of June 26, 1933,92 reporting that Leticia had been delivered to the Commission of the League of Nations for the administration thereof on June 25, 1933, I have the honor to report that the only Peruvian officials present when Leticia was turned over to the Commission were Mr. Velarde Más, Prefect of the Department of Loreto, and two legal advisers. The Peruvian forces occupying Leticia had previously been transferred to Ramón Castilla, on the Peruvian bank of the Amazon River, opposite Leticia.

Güepí, the principal Peruvian position held by Colombian troops, was delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Angel María Diago of the Colombian army to Major Hipólito Paredes of the Peruvian army on the afternoon of June 23, 1933. The Colombian troops previously occupying the Peruvian post of Güepí were withdrawn for the most part to Caucayá, although some were left to garrison Chavaco and the Colombian post of Güepí, on the north bank of the Putumayo River. It is understood that Colombian troops have also been withdrawn from the positions occupied by them in Peruvian territory at Yabu-yanos, the mouth of the Algodón River, et cetera, although no formal act of delivery was effected at the latter positions.

Respectfully yours,

Allan Dawson
  1. Not printed.