721.23/1761: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

185. My 180, May 13, 7 p.m. (paragraph 1, section A); Department’s 104, May 20, 3 p.m.

Drummond informs me confidentially that Calderón has just advised him of instructions the latter has received from his Government with regard to settlement of the Peruvian-Colombian dispute in substance as follows:
The Peruvian Government accepts the Committee’s proposal subject to certain small alterations which it wishes introduced and already had been discussed with Lopez at Lima. Following are the four alterations desired and Drummond’s comment to Calderón thereon:
  • Point 1. That the Commissariat would choose only minimum number of troops necessary to maintain order. Drummond replied that ideas of Council Committee and of Colombian Government certainly coincided with the Peruvian view on this point. Always been the intention that troops should be limited to number sufficient to maintain order. Drummond, however, hoped that Peruvian Government would not insist adding that to the formula. He suggested statement to the Council by the President of the Committee and exchange of letters on this point. Calderón thought this would be satisfactory;
  • Point 2. Calderón very anxious that letters to be exchanged with Colombian representative with regard to choice of Colombian troops should not for the time being at any rate be made public nor communicated officially to the Peruvian Government. Drummond stated that he thought question of non-communication to Peru could be easily arranged. As regards non-publication of letters which would be solely between Colombia and President of Committee, Drummond thought it reasonable to ask that these should be kept confidential until commission appointed and Colombia forces chosen. Santos would have to be consulted in this respect. Calderón replied that his Government attached great importance to this point because of Peruvian public opinion. Drummond observed that probably Colombian public opinion also attached equal importance to this point;
  • Point 3. The insertion in the formula of the statement that Leticia and Güepí should be evacuated simultaneously. Drummond suggested this could also be effected by exchange of letters. Calderón said, however, that his Government attached great importance to this statement appearing in the formula itself because the mention of Güepí would counterbalance that of Leticia. Drummond stated that as far as he was concerned he could not foresee any serious difficulty on this point;
  • Point 4. Peruvian Government was most anxious that the words “legitimate interests of Peru” should appear in the formula. Drummond again proposed that this might be done by letter. Calderón replied that on this point his Government would not be able to give way. Drummond stated that personally he hoped no objection would be raised to insertion of these words as he could not believe that the Colombian Government would allow the whole agreement to fail on such a matter.
Calderón then said that there was one point on which his telegraphic instructions were not very clear. He was not certain whether his Government wished the formula to state that the commission would administer the territory for a period of not exceeding in any case 12 months or until the end of the negotiations. He had asked for instructions on the subject. Drummond replied that this was a matter to which Colombia attached the greatest importance and hoped that [Page 537] the first alternative would be adopted. Otherwise the gravest difficulties might result.
Calderón explained to Drummond that the above changes had as a matter of fact been accepted by Lopez at Lima. Calderón feared that there might be some rivalry between Santos and Lopez and asked for fullest support from President of Committee and Drummond in order to persuade Santos not to raise objections to the small modifications proposed. Calderón promised as soon as he heard from his Government on the point as to which he was still in doubt to send to the President of the Committee a letter giving the text of the amended formula but making no mention of point 2 above mentioned.