721.23/1465: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

155. The Advisory Committee on the Leticia dispute met this morning. I had previously received a letter from Drummond (forwarded by mail) requesting me in the name of the President of the Commission to be present under the conditions set forth in the letter of March 18.

The Chairman, Lester, suggested that the representatives discuss the matter of whether they are willing to apply an embargo on arms against Peru in the event that Peru did not accept the report and continued its hostile acts. As it seemed well on this occasion to make clear American Government’s attitude I did so along the lines of your 85, March 11, 7 p.m.,53 without expressing any opinion as to what action my Government would take in the event that legislation was adopted.

After some discussion the Chairman suggested that the representatives inquire from their Governments whether they are willing to accept the principle of an embargo on arms to Peru and if so on similar action by what states they predicated their acceptance. He requested that replies be given within a week if possible.

Obviously in view of the statement which I made a reply from us will not be necessary unless legislation is meanwhile adopted.

A discussion in which I took no part followed on the possible scope of any embargo. Wellington Koo54 raised the point of whether it should not include certain raw materials capable of being converted into munitions of war. It was decided that all the details should be [Page 509] left until after a decision in principle depending on the replies from the various states. As the replies of the various states are circulated I shall keep you apprised of the attitude of the different Governments.

The reply of Brazil has not yet been received.

  1. Vol. iii, p. 231.
  2. Representative of China on the Council of the League of Nations.