721.23/1211: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva
76. Your 124, February 23, 10 p.m. On February 20th Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru cabled long statement of Peruvian position to the Secretary of State. Department understands that a similar statement was cabled to other Foreign Offices throughout the world. This being the case a copy is probably available to you in Europe. The Secretary replied today as follows:
[Page 492][Here follows text of telegram of February 25 to the Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs, printed infra.]
You will note that this supports the position the League has taken so far with the Peruvian Government.
If the Peruvian Government accepts this proposal and if the Colombian Government accepts the proposal likewise made to it on the 23d instant, this Government will be glad to study the further steps proposed with a view if possible of suggesting their acceptance by the contending powers.