
The Argentine Ambassador (Espil) to the Chairman of the Commission of Neutrals (White)


Excellency: I transcribe to you the communication which I have just received from my Chancellery in reply to the telegram from the Commission of Neutrals dated the thirty-first of December last.24 The communication reads as follows: [Page 252]

“Please state to their Excellencies, the members of the Commission of Neutrals, that it has been grateful to me to receive their communication of the thirty-first of the current month [sic], in which communication, in view of the regrettable withdrawal of the Representative of Paraguay, because of a decision which, as the text of the telegram announces, it is hoped may have a temporary character, the Commission of Neutrals, as it stated on the fourth of November, 1931 [1932],26 and within the limits of the said communication confirmed in accordance with the reservations formulated by this Chancellery on the eighteenth of October of the same year,27 continues to make every effort to find a solution satisfactory to both parties in controversy, and, as it also announced in the said communication, is carrying on a consultation with the other American nations in order that no avenue capable of leading to peace may remain unexplored.

The Argentine Government cannot but lend its attention to the continuity of the endeavors so well inspired, as it did, on the sixteenth of December, to the last proposal addressed by the Neutrals, formulating its hope that a new negotiation (gestión) might reestablish the situation of accepted good offices (buenos oficios consentidos) thus promoting the noble intentions of your Commission. It also takes pleasure in advising that, in accordance with its announced intention of availing itself of any opportunity which in its turn might be offered to it to contribute to the termination of the grievous conflict, it will initiate a negotiation (gestión) of which it will advise the limitrophe countries as set forth in the declaration of August 6,28 and, at the opportune time, it hopes that it will be strengthened by the solidary action of all countries of America, and will have the support of your worthy Commission of Neutrals.”

In requesting Your Excellency to be good enough to bring this communication to the knowledge of the other members of the Commission of Neutrals, I take pleasure in renewing to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration.

Felipe A. Espil