710.1012 Anti-War/25: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Gibson) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 4, 1933—8:22 p.m.]
87. Secretary General of Foreign Office this afternoon handed me copy of anti-war treaty to be signed here with Argentine on Tuesday, October 10th. He informed me Peru has already notified its intention to sign at the same time, and certain other signatures are expected.
He expressed the earnest hope of the Brazilian Government that the United States Government would also sign on October 10th.
So far as I can see on hasty examination, this is the same text furnished the Department with the Argentine Ambassador’s note of September 21, 1932,7 which was dealt with in detail by Mr. Stimson’s note of March 3, 1933.
I have not felt I could answer the invitation of the Foreign Office by a statement of the adverse views expressed in this note without first being sure that they are shared by the present administration. There [Page 232] is nothing on the records here to show that the substance of Mr. Stimson’s note was ever communicated to the Brazilian Government.
As only short time remains for necessary arrangements request instructions by telegraph.
If Department’s decision is not to participate I trust reasons to be given Foreign Office may bear solely on our own position and avoid some of the allusions in the note referred to as to the unwisdom of the treaty in itself inasmuch as signature has already been agreed upon and a day and hour fixed.