The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)15
Sir: Reference is made to your despatch No. 607 of January 10, 1933, enclosing a copy of a Foreign Office note No. E 6256/15/89 of January 4, 1933, in reply to the representations contained in the Embassy’s aide-mémoire of September 12, 1932, with regard to the right of the United States to be consulted in connection with the changes effected in the frontiers between Syria and the Jebel Druse, on the one hand, and Transjordan, on the other.
Having consulted with the American consular representatives at Beirut and Jerusalem, neither of whom perceives any objection to the frontier changes in question, the Department authorizes you to inform the Foreign Office that the Government of the United States assents to the alterations in the frontiers between Syria and the Jebel Druse, on the one hand, and Transjordan, on the other, as set forth in the Anglo-French Agreement concluded on October 31, 1931.
Very truly yours,
- The same instruction, mutatis mutandis, was sent on May 18 to the Chargé” in France as Department’s No. 1686.↩