The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)
Sir: The receipt is acknowledged of your despatch No. 733 of March 14, 1933,19 with reference to the proposed provisional agreement between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding diplomatic and consular representation, juridical protection, commerce and navigation, and enclosing a copy of a memorandum of the same day from the Legation of Saudi Arabia in London.
With respect to the proposal for the addition of the words “its territories and possessions” following the words “the United States of America” in Article III of the draft agreement sent with the Department’s instruction of October 18, 1932, you are authorized to accept the proposal. The revised Article will read as follows:
“In respect of import, export and other duties and charges affecting commerce and navigation, as well as in respect of transit, warehousing and other facilities, the United States of America, its territories and possessions, will accord to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will accord to the United States of America, its territories and possessions, unconditional most-favored-nation treatment. Every concession with respect to any duty, charge or regulation affecting commerce or navigation now accorded or that may hereafter be accorded by the United States of America, its territories and possessions or by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to any foreign country will become immediately applicable without request and without compensation to the commerce and navigation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, respectively.”
It is noted that the Arabian Government suggests the omission from Article V of the provision that the obligations of the agreement should lapse in the event that the Government of the United States is prevented by future action of its legislature from carrying out the terms of its stipulations. For reasons which were stated in the Department’s instructions of October 12, 1931,20 this Government is unable to accept the proposal.
With respect to the suggestion that a new exchange of notes take place regarding Muslim sacred places in Arabia and the manumission of slaves, in view of the fact that provision has already been made in the exchange of notes dated November 19 and 21, 1932,21 you are informed that this Government prefers not to repeat the assurances which have already been given.
Very truly yours,
- Not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1931, vol. ii, p. 552.↩
- See despatch No. 505, November 23, 1932, from the Ambassador in Great Britain, p. 996.↩