The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 6.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to your instruction No. 39 of September 28, 1933, with regard to certain recent regulations in the Spanish zone of Morocco affecting the importation into that zone of flour, and directing me to take up the matter informally and orally with the Spanish authorities in order that the record may be kept clear and that they may realize that we are cognizant of violations of our treaty rights in Morocco.
In compliance with the instruction under reference, I called on the new Minister of State, Señor Sanchez Albornoz, on October 18th, and after outlining briefly the facts involved in this case, I expressed the hope that the situation will soon be corrected and that steps will be taken to have these regulations, which are in violation of our treaty rights, withdrawn.
Señor Sanchez Albornoz knew nothing concerning the case but assured me that he would look into it.
Respectfully yours,