882.01 Foreign Control/746: Telegram
The Chargé in Liberia (Werlich) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 3:30 p.m.]
99. President of Liberia told me in interview this afternoon that he has submitted League plan to the Legislature with recommendation for [Page 965] such favorable consideration as is within framework of Liberia’s Constitution, calling attention to the 12 objections advanced by Grimes at Geneva and saying that some but not all of these had been given favorable consideration by Committee. He advised me that if Legislature votes to adjourn before final decision on plan he will call immediately special session for plan. Barclay said objections raised to the plan in the Legislature this morning dealt primarily with Finance Corporation supplementary agreement; also Legislature would probably require fiscal officers responsible to the President, arming of messengers to be decided upon by the President and [that] all deputy provincial commissioners be Liberians.
Supreme Court now complete; Speaker Simpson offered portfolio of Foreign Affairs.