882.01 Foreign Control/692: Telegram
The Consul at Southampton (Travers) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 20—12:50 p.m.]
From General Winship. Your telegram No. 304, October 18, 6 p.m., to Paris. I have forwarded your No. 48 to Monrovia double priority, adding the following comment:
“With reference to the foregoing, I think the following points should be borne in mind:
- 1.
- That the League plan 4s intended to secure the political independence of Liberia’ as stated in the preamble of the protocol as now amended.
- 2.
- That although it is of the utmost importance that action on the plan be taken by the Liberian Government without delay in order that its benefits may begin to accrue to Liberia, the arrival in Monrovia of the Committee’s full report containing the protocol should be awaited.
- 3.
- That the plan of assistance in final form was not adopted until after friendly and prolonged consideration of the Liberian point of view.
Finally, I think it should be made clear that if the Liberian Government should be so ill advised as to reject this opportunity, it can not expect a sympathetic hearing from the American Government.”
In accordance with your suggestion, I have written an informal letter to Cecil summarizing Werlich’s report and your reply. [Winship.]