882.01 Foreign Control/683: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State


255. From General Winship. My numbers 24877 and 250. The Committee met in final session today.

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As to the report by the Committee to the Council this was adopted along the lines of the second paragraph of my 250. The following is the penultimate paragraph: [Page 945]

“The Committee reminded the Liberian delegation that the request of the Government of Liberia was for the assistance of the League of Nations. A plan had now been established which outlined the conditions under which the League was prepared to grant assistance to Liberia. Whether such assistance was accepted or not on the terms offered depended entirely on the desire of the Liberian Government. The Committee pointed out that it had carefully considered and expressed an opinion on each of the amendments raised by the Liberian delegation and the present plan represented the considered conditions upon which assistance could, in the opinion of the Committee, be granted to Liberia. The Committee emphasized that its plan must be regarded as a whole and that the financial advantages contained in the plan are conditional on the administrative part of the plan.” Full text by mail.

As anticipated the Council will consider and probably endorse the report of the Committee tomorrow afternoon. I should like to reiterate the hope expressed in my 250 that the endorsement of the Finance Corporation coupled, if possible, with a favorable statement in connection with the suggestion I made in the penultimate paragraph of my 250, can be received here by 3 p.m. Geneva time.

I shall discuss with Cecil as soon as possible the question of supplementing any message to Liberia by the Council with representation by interested governments at Monrovia. [Winship.]

  1. Not printed.