882.01 Foreign Control/676: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

233. From General Winship. My telegram No. 226, October 9, 4 p.m. Today Grimes read a long new statement objecting to the League plan in principle and in detail. He claimed the London text exceeded the terms of reference and called for a reopening of the whole question from the beginning.

Cecil in very forceful terms declined to accept this as a basis for discussion. He informed Grimes that the London text did not go beyond the terms of reference (see original Liberian request to the League) and reminded him of his acceptance on September 27, 1932, of “general principles” which do not differ from the London text in any essential particulars. Cecil laid particular emphasis on the fact that Grimes’ acceptance last year had been binding on the Liberian Government. He concluded by calling on Grimes to cease wasting the Committee’s time and to return with the material called for yesterday. After some argument Grimes agreed to do so for the next meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Unless otherwise noted all meetings are public. Today’s was attended by a number of American correspondents here and Walton who just arrived from Liberia. I suggest the statements quoted in my No. 225, October 8, 9 p.m., and No. 227, October 9, 5 p.m., be released in Washington.

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  • [Winship]
  • Gilbert