882.01 Foreign Control/674: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

226. From General Winship. My telegram No. 225, October 8, 9 p.m. The meeting opened with Grimes reading his document referred to in my No. 220, October 6, 2 p.m.

I then stated that before consideration was given to the present position I desired to submit a detailed statement with reference to various incorrect statements made by Grimes in previous documents communicated to the Committee. I read a summary which follows (via London part air).70

Thereafter I delivered the statement quoted in my No. 225.

Cecil summarized developments since the inauguration of the 1930 inquiry recalling that it was at the instance of Liberia in 1931 that the present request for assistance had come before the League. He mentioned the very great patience and effort which had been given the matter and then made it clear that so far as the League was concerned Liberia was at liberty to accept or reject the plan but that if it chose the latter it should be in full realization of the effect. He said the Committee would be willing to reopen the negotiations or to reconsider the entire text of the plan of assistance but that if Liberia had objections they must be put in specific form; that is, Grimes must definitely state which paragraphs were acceptable and submit alternative drafts of the others. The Committee would then consider whether these alternatives could be adopted. In conclusion he referred to reports received by the British Government regarding renewal of native disturbances in Liberia on a serious scale, and he emphasized that the Committee must conclude its work during this session and that Liberia must then say yes or no to final proposals. Cecil inquired whether the above represented the views of his colleagues, which it did. He called upon Grimes to have his material ready for consideration by the Committee tomorrow.

Hines at my suggestion did not submit proposed statement, but will discuss his company’s position privately with Cecil before tomorrow.

The meeting was public. [Winship.]

  1. See infra.