882.01 Foreign Control/672: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 7—8:20 p.m.]
224. From General Winship. My telegram No. 220, October 6, 2 p.m. I had separate conference today with Cecil and French representative, Panafieu. Both believe main difficulty in the situation has been insistence on American Chief Adviser and that with an agreement on one from a “noninterested country” adjustments could be made not materially modifying plan of last June.
Cecil states that after consideration a definite plan should be submitted [Page 938] to the Council and by the Council direct to Barclay, notwithstanding Grimes’ objections if these are unreasonable.
Panafieu agreed that the situation in Liberia demands immediate settlement by the League but that Grimes should be given an opportunity to be heard. Both Panafieu and Cecil agreed the Chief Adviser should have adequate authority.
Cecil is of the opinion that the amount to be allowed for the operating expenses of the Government should be left to the Chief Adviser in consultation with the Financial Adviser, subject however to a limit of 25 or $50,000 over the 300,000 recommended by Ligthart last June. Cecil thinks however that the Advisers might recommend less than 300,000.
Hines arrives tomorrow. [Winship.]