882.01 Foreign Control/668a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)
98. For General Winship. In elaboration of the Department’s 92, September 23, 3 p.m.,64 I am now able to authorize you, with the President’s approval, to acquiesce on behalf of the United States Government at an opportune moment in the appointment of a neutral adviser, i.e., one from a nation not having special interests in Liberia or territory contiguous thereto. The Firestones likewise will be willing “to underwrite the cost of the plan of assistance without the condition that the Chief Adviser must necessarily be an American citizen provided the plan is accepted in the form recommended by the League Liberian Committee on June 27, 1933,65 and becomes effective”. We give you this information now but anticipate that you will continue to hold it in reserve until it becomes apparent whether on the basis of this concession the plan would be accepted without renegotiation as set forth in our 92.
It remains the policy of this Government unreservedly to oppose modification of the powers granted the Chief Adviser since any weakening of these will destroy the effectiveness of the plan. The fact that the Chief Adviser will be responsible to the League and that the term of the proposed plan is five years would seem to dispose of the sovereignty objection.
Firestone Junior is unable for personal reasons to go to Europe at present. Hines66 however is due to arrive in Europe shortly from Monrovia and will be instructed to proceed at once to Geneva where he will put himself in touch with you.