882.01 Foreign Control/577: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)

176. For General Winship. Your 194 and 195, June 28. I appreciate the valuable progress you have made in the recent negotiations at London and for the first time feel that we are within appreciable distance of success. I am particularly encouraged by the fact that the Firestone interests here now seem thoroughly in favor of the plan of assistance and are pressing for its acceptance by Liberia. With the progress thus made, I am anxious to do everything possible to push matters to an ultimate conclusion.

Firestone Junior telegraphed last night to Akron that Cecil had requested you “to accompany Mackenzie to aid in securing adoption of plan. Winship is cabling American State Department for instructions.” He continues “We feel very strongly that Winship should be instructed to return to Liberia as important to successful outcome and also to keep our Government in position of actively supporting and working for this program”. I should appreciate your advice and recommendations as to the advisability of your returning for a month with Grimes and Mackenzie and remaining until a decision has been reached in Liberia prior to the meeting of the Council in September. I personally took up the matter with General Mac Arthur,54 who says that he has no objection to your return to Liberia under the conditions outlined and leaves the matter to your best judgment.

  1. General Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff, United States Army.