882.01 Foreign Control/574: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham) to the Acting Secretary of State

193. From General Winship. During the past 2 weeks we have had constant discussions with financial experts and Firestone, and private meetings on other matters.

The International Committee met yesterday and spent entire day going over Ligthart’s report50 and the minor changes in the plan of assistance desired by Firestone and the experts. Firestone and Lyle attended the meeting. With no important exceptions the modifications were provisionally accepted and final vote is anticipated at the next meeting on June 27th.

With regard to the amended loan contract I again emphasized to the Committee that as no plan of assistance could be obtained except after solution of loan difficulties, the Committee must take the latter into consideration. I pointed out that scrutiny by Ligthart and the League financial experts had been made in response to Liberia’s request and that the Finance Corporation, which seeks a fair and reasonable solution, had been entirely willing to have its proposals examined. At the next meeting I hope the Committee will consider the amended contract and endorse it.

(Grimes opposes most of Ligthart’s recommendations but is in a weak position, having requested his assistance.)

I have urged that after the anticipated adoption of the revised League plan by the Committee, the Council should promptly meet and take very definite action in recommending it to Liberia. (The original schedule contemplated was to have the plan sent by the Committee to Liberia with the request that the latter signify whether it would accept it and report to the September meeting of the Council.) Cecil seems to think favorably of my proposal and I believe it will be done; a Council meeting for this purpose is tentatively scheduled for July 3. The Liberian Legislature should as soon thereafter as possible be called in special session, and I am going to urge that the League send a special representative to Liberia to be present during legislative consideration in Monrovia.

The nationality question did not arise yesterday. In consequence of private meetings with Cecil I believe he has arranged so that an American can be appointed, under the terms of chapter IV, article I, paragraph 1 as it stands, Firestone having accepted the principle that he shall be appointed by, responsible to, and removable by, the League. [Winship.]

  1. Report of June 23, 1933; for substance of report, see p. 952.