882.01 Foreign Control/562a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)
113. Please inform Lord Cecil that General Winship has now completed his mission to Liberia and has sailed for Marseilles where he expects to arrive May 26. He will proceed at once to Geneva and this Government accordingly suggests the advisability of an early meeting of the Liberian Committee to be called by Lord Cecil for a date shortly after his arrival, preferably around May 30. You may add that it is our purpose to designate General Winship as the American member of the Liberian Committee with Reber and Briggs as his assistants. According to our information Grimes is sailing on the same ship as General Winship and a representative of the Firestone interests will likewise be present in Geneva for such a meeting. If, as we assume, this course commends itself to Lord Cecil, we hope that he will take any necessary steps through the League Secretariat.