882.01 Winship Mission/68: Telegram
The Special Commissioner for Liberia (Winship) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:27 p.m.]
42. My telegram No. 41, May 7, 6 p.m. I have had two further interviews with Barclay between which he has held important Cabinet meetings. Barclay now agrees to reestablish the depository agreement as soon as certain formalities regarding transfer of funds can be completed.
It may not be possible to obtain a completed agreement before sailing but I do not now consider this essential in the light of anticipated developments in Geneva. The Firestone position should now be susceptible of effective support.
I propose to consolidate the progress already made by the issue with Barclay of a joint communiqué. I shall telegraph the text before our departure since it might be useful should you contemplate a press release on the forthcoming meeting of the International Committee.
Grimes40 will again represent Liberia and will sail with us.
- Louis A. Grimes, Liberian Secretary of State.↩