711.42157 Detroit/25
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Canada (Boal)
Sir: The Acting Secretary of War in a letter dated September 12, 1932, a copy of which is enclosed,54 requests that the consent of the Government of Canada be obtained for operations to be conducted in Canadian waters in connection with the dredging of certain shoal areas in the St. Clair River to a depth of twenty-five feet at low water datum. One set of thirteen blue prints is enclosed for transmission to the Canadian Government.
Since it is desired that dredging in the river start during the season of 1933, you will appreciate the desirability of securing expeditious action by the Canadian Government in according sanction and approval for dredging shoal areas and spoiling waste to a depth not less than thirty feet in deep water areas on the Canadian side of the boundary, approximately as shown on the accompanying maps,55 and also for the spoiling of waste from hydraulic dredging on Walpole Island, Squirrel Island and the marshes south thereof subject to the approval of the owners of the property. The Acting Secretary of War states that the dredging [Page 93] and dumping as proposed will have little, if any, effect on slopes or water levels.
Very truly yours,