652.113 Auto/67
The Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs (de los Ríos) to the American Ambassador in Spain (Bowers)30
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge to your Excellency receipt of his note of the 5th instant by which he wishes to ascertain the effect (alcance) which the “avenant” concluded between Spain and France has on the importation into our country of automobiles of French manufacture.
The terms of the Agreement entered into with France are those which have been published in full in the Gaceta de Madrid for June 23rd last, Possibly some newspapers, while dealing with a hypothetical (supuesta) reduction of the customs tariff applicable to French automobiles, refer to the possibility that France may request a reduction of certain customs tariffs which the present Spanish regulations make it possible to grant in favor of foreign countries whose consumption of our basic products of exportation attain a certain proportion; tariff advantages that can be made effective by virtue of the so-called policy of “benefits” (retornos) and can be requested by all the nations which, as buyers of Spanish products, may find themselves in the same position as France.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 70, July 12; received July 26.↩