811.111 Quota 71A/44
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State (Phillips)
The Rumanian Minister referred to the Bessarabian situation, and I explained to him what we proposed to do in connection with the Bessarabian quota, provided the Rumanian Government did not continue its policy of discrimination against American trade. Mr. Davila said that Mr. Murray31 had already spoken to him about it and that he had sent a telegram to his Government recommending that everything possible be done to satisfy our complaints, which, in his opinion, were well founded. He explained that this discrimination had been brought about by reason of the efforts which the Rumanian Government was making to preserve, so far as possible, a balance of trade with individual countries. I said that I felt sure his efforts would be helpful and I hoped that we would soon receive some communication from the Rumanian Government indicating that all discriminations against American trade were at an end.32