711.4215 Air Pollution/413: Telegram
The Chargé in Canada (Boal) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:30 p.m.]
6. Department’s instruction 841 of February 10, 1933. I presented the press release16 and a note in the sense of this instruction to the Prime Minister yesterday with our representations as instructed. In the note the word treaty has throughout been changed to the word agreement in order to leave the Canadians a little more leeway as to form. I shall make it clear in due course that ratification in the United States of any treaty, convention or other form of agreement reached between the two countries will probably be necessary.
The Prime Minister has telegraphed to Mr. James J. Warren, President of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, to consult with him regarding the suggestions made in our note. He also wanted to defer the press release until he had a reply from Warren but I explained that this would be very awkward and he then said that in that case he would prefer that the release be made without any reference to him. Therefore when release is made it should be done without any mention of the Prime Minister and without any suggestion that he might have knowledge of it. The word treaty in the release should also be changed to agreement.
- A draft press statement enclosed with instruction No. 845, February 21, 1933 (711.4215 Air PoJlution/407a), not printed. The press release apparently was not issued.↩